[E.M.I.T] Evocity Military Intelligence Taskforce [CLOSED]
*A letter arrives on your table
Goodevening EMIT,
It has come to my attention that you are needing contacts. Vector Inc would like you to be the first in the Clan 'alliance' system. This will mean that you will have to co opertate with different clans to get a job done quickly and efficiently Ie eliminating gangs that fail to comply. If you accept, our two clans will carry out important missions together hopefully recruiting many members on the way and possibly getting more clans into the alliance. If you deny on the other hand, no harm will be done and we will leave you alone. Being allies and being in the alliance are two seprate things. Firstly, being allies is personal therefore you can be enimies with another of our allies. Moreover in the alliance you will not be able to attack other clans. Please consider this offer carefully.
- Steve Burwin
Kind Regards,

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RE: [E.M.I.T] Evocity Military Intelligence Taskforce [PAS/AGR] - by Link - 12-18-2012, 04:30 PM

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