Unban Request: annoyinlilsod
Hello all,
I was with Annoyinlilsod at the time playing Medic with him and I would like to tell you the full truth and story.

So first of all we decided to play Medic as we have not really explored this class much on FearlessRp, pretty much as soon as we joined the class A swarm of people surrounded us demanding we heal them instantly and while I was able to (When I could move, yes it was that bad) Annoyinlilsod was hitting a ping of like 500-700 just as he had been all night. I healed as many people as I could then we moved to our little shop across the road. (At this point everyone had gone due to me healing them) Annoyinlilsod then began to decorate and renovate the shop as we planned on skype a few mins before hand and then it all happend, another swarm of people entered our shop (By a fireman smashing our door in) Annoyinlilsod went to put a bath down and with the lag on top of everything and how unpredictable item placing is in Garys Mod the bath lurched towards the crowd of people swarming me and killed one of the guys. He immediatly apoligized and we both left the shop and hopped into our ambulance because it was all getting too much. Lag, people and now a death on his hands which was a complete accident. We switched classes pretty much immediately.

This is the full story whether you believe it or not I was there. I have no reason to lie only to help someone who was wrongfully banned due to miss-guided information.

Thanks all


Messages In This Thread
Unban Request: annoyinlilsod - by Bemaxiz - 12-17-2012, 10:37 PM
RE: Unban Request: annoyinlilsod - by Temsex - 12-18-2012, 12:01 AM
RE: Unban Request: annoyinlilsod - by Vauld - 12-18-2012, 01:01 AM

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