[Unofficial][Pas/Agr] GB Underground [CLOSED]
IC Information

What is your name? Michael Lane

What is your age? 32

What is your desire in the family, and what rank would you like to apply for? I desire to gain the maximum experience from this.. family and i would like to apply for any rank in the The Management and Organization (MO).

Tell us something about yourself! I am pretty rich packing a lot of cars like the Ferrari, Hummer, Tides Truck, Supra, Mustang and Banshee. I tend to wear a black suit and live in abandoned areas or secret locations.

OOC Information

How many bans have you got on the server? 1

How many hours have you got on the server? 496... well you can say 500

What's the amount of RP Points that you have? 1

Why would you like to join? Your page looks very nice and the leaders know what they are doing, as i seen them RP on the server before.

What is your Steam Name? Ciryl1

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Unofficial][Pas/Agr] GB Underground - by Ciryl - 12-17-2012, 07:19 PM

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