Please, Un-ban me. I am so... Very Sorry!
I dont see how it could be possibly justified when i agreed to Play along, 1 minute later I was banned. Which means you had a decision to make. within that minute time frame.

I followed the rules in the end. I agreed with the FearRP you just didn't give me a chance to show you.

You did get your objective complete. because I did get in the garage anyways.

You did say you were not going to kill me when i asked.

Think about it like this. In real life. if you get asked to put in a garage, you ask the person. Are you going to kill me, they say no. You're not going to be terrified. It was party fail FearRp on your side. I just want to play AGAIN PLEASE!

6 hours is so much!

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RE: Please, Un-ban me. I am so... Very Sorry! - by AmazingZsolt - 12-13-2012, 01:08 AM

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