Player 3, Dude0986, SKitzmAs, Outcast, Joey
Request declared under investigation.

Things here need to be clarified, I want to know exactly the reason for the raid as it is a raid, you have weapons out and had killed government members within the Nexus.

If you wanted to talk with the President 'peacefully' in the "less violent" way you described then pulling weapons out is not the solution, at all. If you were worried about failing cops then demand the President demote them or gather evidence for an ban request.

I will also be sending this to doomdude as I am interested to see his story, if he reviewed the case then and there and felt no repercussions were necessary then none will be given now.

After consulting with doomdude he has assured me he has no real recollection of the events and did not review it as was previously hinted at before.

This will now be handled like any other ban request, I require the accused to post the reasoning for the raid and outline it clearly.

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RE: Player 3, Dude0986, SKitzmAs, Outcast, Joey - by Adman - 12-12-2012, 04:31 PM

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