President raid and hostage ideas.
Here's problably the most common of reasons: "bad government".

Only applies if one of the following happens:
-Cops are not good enough (Minges should be imediatelly demoted by the president).
-Leaving SS out in the streets (Either order them back into Nexus or demote them).
-Not saying laws (Normally you should ONLY go president if you have alot of free time and if you're not AFK, you better say the laws).
-Raising taxes without a reason (We can't raid for taxes, but I think it's allowed to raid for NOT giving a reason about taxes, if the reasons are given, raid will not ocurr.)

But as Adman said, we should TRY diplomatic ways to solve the problems.

I mean, seriously, once the Corleone raided me because they "weren't happy with my laws", altough it was legit laws like weed legal and such.

I mean, why not just the leader come talk to me? but no, they think with guns instead with their heads.

Messages In This Thread
President raid and hostage ideas. - by Tendou - 12-09-2012, 01:58 PM
RE: President raid and hostage ideas. - by Adman - 12-09-2012, 03:26 PM
RE: President raid and hostage ideas. - by Adman - 12-09-2012, 09:42 PM
RE: President raid and hostage ideas. - by Johnny the Hedgehog - 12-10-2012, 09:44 AM

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