UnPerma Request - FYI Im a Spy
Your name: Spy.av ([NV] FYI Im a Spy | NW) When I was banned

Your ban ID: 9720

Banned by: Killjoy

Reason:Okay, I was a ex-admin from ****, doesn't really need any other explanation than that. My positions if it is of any concern at said community was Developer and Admin.

Involved: N/A

Why we should unban you: I feel my ban should be shortened as I personally never had anything against FL as a whole, I feel I was dragged down by people who did hate FL for example Vaqixnation and Marius just to name a few. I feel I was a good RPer while my time on FL I only ever had one ban when I was still new to RP, but I feel my RP skills have improved since then. If there are any other questions don't hesitate to contact me over the forums or over steam I'll be more than happy to answer any further quires or clarify anything I have not been clear about, Thanks again for taking your time to read this.

-Thanks Spy

Messages In This Thread
UnPerma Request - FYI Im a Spy - by Spy - 12-04-2012, 07:31 PM
RE: Unban Request - FYI Im a Spy - by Ruxandra - 12-04-2012, 09:12 PM
RE: Unban Request - FYI Im a Spy - by Spy - 12-05-2012, 12:11 PM
RE: UnPerma Request - FYI Im a Spy - by Spy - 12-05-2012, 08:39 PM
RE: UnPerma Request - FYI Im a Spy - by Haarek - 12-05-2012, 09:07 PM
RE: UnPerma Request - FYI Im a Spy - by Spy - 12-05-2012, 09:12 PM
RE: UnPerma Request - FYI Im a Spy - by Killjoy - 12-07-2012, 10:18 AM

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