Unban Request - MayhemzHD and SamCookiez
Your name: [FL:RP] MayhemzHD and [FL:RP] SamCookiez

Your ban ID: MayhemzHD - 17885 SamCookiez - 17886

Banned by: Ruxandra

Reason: Random tranq

Involved: SamCookiez

Why we should unban you: We got banned for random tranqing each other. We were not random tranqing each other as me and SamCookiez where inside our place playing paint ball with Tranq Snipers so we off course didn't die. We both agreed to shoot each other and we both agreed to play paint ball. I even said to Infernwe that we will be playing paint ball inside the base while we were guarding it and she didn't mind.
And you didn't even come up to me and SamCookiez to ask why we were tranqing eachother.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - MayhemzHD and SamCookiez - by MayhemzHD - 11-25-2012, 05:18 PM

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