Ban Request - Sonic, iamfahren, Monsoon, Sammy
#1 We saw a Corleone member steal the vehicle and drive it into the industrial:

- This member as we did say to you a multiple amount of times, wasn't with us. He wasn't cooperating with the Corleone's. We did give the member a few chances to bring us the car before we gave up, we were just about to demote that Corleone but then you guys came, so we thought against you and forgot all about him.

#2 We heard and even saw contraband at one point sticking through the wall as you moved it.

- Our Contraband could defiantly not have of been seen through walls, we all had our Contraband stored away safely. Also if you did see us move it, what building did we store our Contraband may I ask? Although you did raid us and see where we stored it I would like to make sure Smile.

#3 We heard in the city the Corleone members talking about a stolen vehicle.

- Yes. They were because they were discussing (I was amongst these people) about that member and what we should do with him.

Thank You
Kind Regards.

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RE: Ban Request - Sonic, iamfahren, Monsoon, Sammy - by SamCookiez - 11-25-2012, 12:27 PM

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