Ban for Jonsey
That was my base in the background, A different instance I was raided by HSS, 1 SS, and multiple cops for no reason.

The full story was:
They were trying to gain access to our base, and I told them that i didnt want anybody in due to my privacy, and they remarked " Blah blah well get a warrant blah blah" So i told them to go ahead and try with no evidence. In the mean while, they all stood outside my base harrasing my fellow Corleones about gaining entrance (As i was told over radio),I drove allll the way up to the nexus I was talking to the president (Which thank god, he was on the first floor) and he told his men to back off and unwarranted me, also that he never gave SS permission to patrol.( I got the warrant during my drive to nexus btw). When i arrived back to my base, they were starting to raid, but backed off since i explained what happened. Moments later they "Rammed" my fading door,(I hit the lever that toggled it open to be fair, it was not closed, and i wasnt in distance to "fading door shoot" them)A long fire fight occured, Then they lost the raid of course.

Long story short, im pretty sure jonesy was part of this one to, and this completely matches his description. I'm not trying to get him banned just showing that he was repeating the instance this post is about.

Messages In This Thread
Ban for Jonsey - by MayhemzHD - 11-24-2012, 05:35 AM
RE: Ban for Jonsey - by Jamie - 11-25-2012, 12:41 AM
RE: Ban for Jonsey - by SKitz - 11-25-2012, 02:44 AM
RE: Ban for Jonsey - by Adman - 11-28-2012, 06:50 PM

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