Unban Request
Hey everybody

Your Name: [FL:RP]Death_The_Kid-.- (Mathew Breen)

Ban ID: 17646

Banned By :[FL:M] Salinsky

Server _v33x

Reason: Warned you several times today... And now you just driver over the pavement scooping people with your car?

Why i should get unbanned: Because i only heard 1 Warning and the other i didnt noticed or dont see them or something ive got kicked right ... i understand that but that was the only warning i got from you or i dont saw the other and later i dont drived over the pavement i was driving on the street and the people were randomly running on the street so it was an accident !

And I Except the first warning but the other i didnt noticed ive got killed and I dont break the NLR why i should scoop over people then?

Hope i get unbanned :3 want to play Sad

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - by wolfsruede - 11-22-2012, 07:48 PM
RE: Unban Request - by Salinsky - 11-22-2012, 08:56 PM
RE: Unban Request - by Ruxandra - 11-22-2012, 08:57 PM

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