The Epic Travels of Whoop and Raffi
Day 6:
We finally managed to get the stuff we needed to start a farm. Whoop planted crops while I was out gathering supplies. The farm quickly attracted quite a few animals.
[Image: 2011-02-05_150808.png?t=1296925546]
Sadly, the farm also attracted creepers, who blew half the farm to bits, meaning I had to dig up some dirt to fill the huge craters those green, armless buggers made.
[Image: 2011-02-05_154924.png?t=1296926115]

Night 6:
We called this night "The Night of the Living Farm Animals". The images explain it all.
[Image: 2011-02-05_162025.png?t=1296925742]
[Image: 2011-02-05_162409.png?t=1296925625]
As it turned out, the farm attracted too many animals.

Day 7:
Whoop and I dug deep into the mountains and found a cave full of iron and coal ore. We could not believe our luck! As we wandered on, I fell into a hole, and into a space with even more coal, more iron and more... creepers. Who blew everything to bits, as always. When I trudged on back home, Whoop had dug a hole in the mountain and an immense river of lava spewed out the side of the mountain, trickling down in a spectacular lavafall. It certainly provided a lot of warmth, particularly when animals and zombies blindly walked into it. At night, it also provided quite a bit of light. It was the perfect way to end the day.
[Image: 2011-02-05_164328-1.png?t=1296925742]

Minecraft is about €15, if you buy it while it's in beta. Afterwards, it'll be €20.
[Image: P6KNEfH.png]           .       
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RE: The Epic Travels of Whoop and Raffi - by s.J. - 02-05-2011, 01:19 PM
RE: The Epic Travels of Whoop and Raffi - by Ms. Mudpie - 02-05-2011, 05:19 PM

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