Hello there!
First off all: Hi, my name is Niek. I'am new here.
(/me Shakes hand off <your name here>.)

I started to to play GMOD a week ago (since it was for €2,50), a friend of mine told me to just do it, so I did. First off all I was disappointed since it just seemed like a ''idiotic game''. Later I talked with my friend again so I asked him: ''So is there any multiplayer here?'' He said: Just roam around on the 'interwebz' and find one! So I did...
I played 30+ servers just to check them, then I (finally) found Fearless!

After I found this server I played, soon after that I noticed that I already had 24 hours...
So yes I'am hooked to Fearless! I know that people that saw me ingame might think I'am just a random player doing nothing but RDM, I'am not like that. I say that I might made some mistakes in the start, but I'll try to not make any more!
I'f met some greet people in those 24 hours, made friends, had fun.

(Well I could write like more pages more but I'll make it short from here!)

So I'am new to fearless, got hooked and now I want to less my addiction by roaming around the forum! Well I'll stop here: Hope to see you guys In-Game, Niek!
(Sorry for the horrible English here, I'am from the Netherlands!)[/size][/font]

Messages In This Thread
Hello there! - by Niek - 11-20-2012, 09:33 PM
RE: Hello there! - by Flux - 11-20-2012, 09:45 PM
RE: Hello there! - by Infernaw - 11-20-2012, 09:46 PM
RE: Hello there! - by Narc - 11-20-2012, 10:35 PM
RE: Hello there! - by GhostRider - 11-20-2012, 10:37 PM
RE: Hello there! - by Adman - 11-21-2012, 07:04 AM

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