Three problems im having with _v33x right now
So i have been trying to fix the texture problems with rp_Evocity_v33x since i started playing and i have fixed most of them by now. Only 3 more.

And for everybody else who is having texture problems with v33x, CSS and EP2 isn't enough, you need EP1 too. (That was my biggest problem) Oh, and remember to download everything from HERE too.

But now, the 3 problems i could not fix:

[Image: 19907E45B41D0AF8269165BC6843423A15A52681]

[Image: 0D00947B7252614D0F1442BD4E174A1EB279F215]

3. I'm not sure if the sky is supposed to be white? Or is it?
[Image: AE2BE7F555ED07C4208E2F84A83131D027F88104]

Messages In This Thread
Three problems im having with _v33x right now - by Bemaxiz - 11-13-2012, 02:59 PM

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