Yet another ban request (That Dragon Guy)
Again, sorry guys, but it seems as though minges love us. >.>

The reason this all started was not as Dragon has stated. I was sitting in my base, and I hear a lockpick. I look out the window, and there is a black market dealer stealing my car. I walked outside to shoot. Wasn't random at all.

Also note that while "raiding" the Nexus (as black market) He Spawn camped the police spawn, he shot police from down the hall (Seen in his screenshot) as they spawned. The two cops you see after him have the right to go after him, as he was shooting at them.

Anywho, In these screenshots you can see Dragon throwing Legend off the bridge, and the console where you can see that he rejoined to get his car back. =/

EDIT: Second picture seems to not be wanting to work. =/ I'll see if I can fix it.

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RE: Yet another ban request (That Dragon Guy) - by mYAffliktioN - 01-30-2011, 09:09 AM

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