[Unofficial] The North Syndicate
[Image: x4KfdFf.jpg?1?1863]
(Thank you The Raccoon for the picture)

The North Syndicate is a organised crime syndicate that originated in the north of Europe. First surfacing in the scandinavian area of Europe and to be more precise in Sweden. The Syndicate operated for a long time in Sweden before deciding to expand to other countries outside of scandinavia. The Syndicate had many members in many different countries all over Europe. All the members answered to different leaders in their respective country who themselves only answered to the founder of the Syndicate. The Syndicate specialized themselves in many different areas mostly in extortion and protection but also branching out into things like robbery and insurance frauds. After many years of operating in Sweden the Syndicate finally made a mistake that could link them to all of their crimes. The cops took this opportunity to put out a arrest warrant on Alexander Nord the founder of the syndicate and the two Co-Founders. After a quick meeting in secret the Founder and the two Co-Founders decided that it was in their best interest to flee the country and set up their business somewhere else. Figuring that the cops would have contacted interpol and have put them on a national arrest warrant on them all over Europe they decided that they would have to flee somewhere no-one would expect them to flee to. After getting whatever money they could get their hands on The Founder and the two Co-Founders contacted their Veteran members all over Europe and told them that they would disappear for a while. A couple of months later Alexander Nord and his two Co-Founders turned up in EvoCity anxious to start up their Syndicate again. Ever since they arrived in EvoCity they have been working day and night recruiting people and hoping that soon they can fully start up their organisation again.

Information about the leadership of the syndicate
The Founder: Alexander Nord is a 39 year old male that were born in sweden. He founded the syndicate with the purpose of becoming rich beyond his wildest dreams.

Co-founders:Yuri zakharov and Jarko ivanov the co-founders of the syndicate are two personall friends of Alexander and his closest men in the syndicate.

The North Syndicates purpouse may not be very well known but there is one thing binds the syndicate members to each other and that is the dream of money and power. And if The founders have any secret purposes for the Syndicate is unknown.

Founder:The founder is the most important member of the organisation he is the one that leads his fellow members in the right direction and makes all the plans. Althought being the highest ranking member in the syndicate he is not above the clan rules.

Co-Founder:The Co-founders are the second highest rank in the syndicate they have almost as much power over the organisation as the Founder has and they may promote or demote anyone in the clan if they find it necessary aslong as either both Co-Founders agree on it or they discuss it with The Founder. As with the Founder himself the Co-Founders are not above the clan rules and will be punished if found breaking them.

Advisor: The Advisors role in the syndicate is to advise the founders on issues they may have troubles deciding what to do with. The Advisor is a person that has shown that he is loyal to the syndicate and is one of the people that the founders trust the most. The Advisors usually aren't participating in the operations and usually has political or government contacts to help the syndicate stay out of trouble.

Veteran: Veterans are members that have been with the Syndicate for a long time and have proven themself to be worthy of the high rank they deserve. Most Veterans are trusted with responsibilities that are really important. Some Veterans are even trusted enough to guard the founders with their lives.

Member: Members are the people that have proven that they can be trusted to not betray the Syndicate and have therefore earned themself a place within it. The Members are the people that do the dirty work for the Syndicate wether it be extortion or eliminating a threath to the Syndicate.

Initiate: Initiates are the lowest of the low in the Syndicate. They have not yet proven themself to be trustworthy of loyal to the Syndicate and is therefor not told of any plans within the Syndicate unless the founders or a veteran trusts them enough.

Although the organisation is a criminal syndicate we do have laws and rules that all members needs to follow.

1.Don't kill without a reason.
2.Always try diplomacy before resorting to hostile actions.
3.Don't steal or cheat other members of the syndicate.
4.Don't discuss plans and other classified information with people outside the business (cops,other clans etc.etc)
5.Always follow the Server Rules any member found getting banned many times without learning his lesson will be kicked.
6.Respect all your fellow clan members.
7.Don't go starting arguments/fights with other clans/people ingame without a reason.
8.Do not go around only doing criminal activity just because we are a criminal organisation.
9.While representing the clan always wear your clan tag.
10.In case of a member breaking the rules the founders will acts as judge,jury and executioner. Their decision will be final and can not be changed.
Anyone found guilty of breaking these rules will be warned if the person keeps breaking the clan rules demotion or banishment from the clan will be considered.

Anyone that thinks that they may fit in the syndicate are free to apply using this form.
In Game Name:
Character Backstory and reason for joining:
Hours played:
RP Knowledge:
Do you understand the clan rules?:

List of members

The Doctor

Yurera & The Raccoon



Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

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Messages In This Thread
[Unofficial] The North Syndicate - by Foxy The Pirate - 11-05-2012, 03:16 PM
RE: [Unofficial] The North Syndicate - by Narc - 06-18-2013, 06:53 PM

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