Pandacidal, VertuCrunch, DirectorPHD, RulerofWax
(07-29-2010, 06:50 PM)gYsteZ Wrote:
(07-29-2010, 04:00 PM)Paven Wrote: Gystez you say you are better than hım. More valuable than hım. May you plz explaın why you are better than hım? Or are you wrıtıng whıle you are angry? Because ıf you do ı suggest a pause. Go to the beach and look at gırls. But remember to lay on your stomach ıf you see someone thats really sexy.

And anyways none have the rıght to say that they are better than another beıng. Because evey human have the equal value, even tho some have more sucess so are we all the same ın the eyes of god.

Sorry, Paven. I got a little rage there. But this moron won't stop complaining.
Do you actually know what he is trying to? He is trying to get me banned because I raided.
He says it's RDM. I mean how stupid can you be?

If you really were better you would shrug off me killing you under a order from the presidnt, and I shruged off you rdming me, but no you want to be an asshole, and drag this out.

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RE: Pandacidal, VertuCrunch, DirectorPHD, RulerofWax - by DirectorPr [HLDJ] - 07-29-2010, 09:23 PM

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