Unban Request Axel
Ahem, let me demonstrate.

In the picture below I am standing very near the tunnel entrance, even closer than the two of you were standing yet my character model is nothing more than a silhouette, you can just barely make out the white sleeves. The red line drawn is where the conversion from dark<->light happens.
[Image: s.gif]
Here I am standing on the other side of the line:
[Image: f.gif]
And here from another angle, the red line illustrates where the two of you were standing:
[Image: g.gif]

I cannot see how what kind of car was used is relevant? It is not the car he didn't see, he didn't see your weapon. He had no idea that he was under gunpoint until you started shooting, which you did a mere millisecond after typing out your warning.

Furthermore, the reason you didn't want him to steal the car was because you thought he was just stealing it for no reason. Isn't that what you were doing, minge busting? You said that while you were "minge busting" you didn't take part in any RP, that you simply filmed minges in order to get evidence on them. Then explain why you intervene in RP situations. So to conclude that:
You see a player stealing a car, you assume it's a random steal and switch on Fraps in order to get evidence on him.
Now that's all fair and square but here comes the kicker:
Your minge busting is what got you into the situation, something that you do out of character but then you suddenly pull a gun and go back into character. Now, when OOC and IC blends together we get something called metagaming, which is bad.

Regarding the pararells you draw to real life, how many ordinary citizens go around gunning down car thieves? Your defence was (and you wrote this in global OOC) that the world is a ****ed up place. That kind of reasoning is the same reasoning people who put their jobs as "Serial Killer" use. Car thefts are meant for the police to sort out, gunning down people who you consider to be minges promotes aggressive RP.

Oh and grouping up against you? I was the only other person Axel was talking to. Any other people saying things to you did so without any rallying, they probably just had prior experience with you. I also wrote to you with PMs instead of OOC but you still answered in OOC for some reason.

Either way, if he couldn't see the gun he didn't have anything to be afraid of. If you had announced that you were in fact pointing a gun at him that would have been something else entirely. You're not suggesting that if someone starts shooting at you, you just stand there and take it? In those kind of situations there are two options, fight or flight. With no chance with a pair of fists against a pistol the only logical reason is to flee.

I hope this opens your eyes in some way.
(See? I can be patronizing too.)

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request Axel - by axel - 10-26-2012, 11:05 AM
RE: Unban Request Axel - by Vauld - 10-26-2012, 04:51 PM
RE: Unban Request Axel - by Killjoy - 10-27-2012, 09:04 AM
RE: Unban Request Axel - by axel - 10-26-2012, 06:47 PM
RE: Unban Request Axel - by Salinsky - 10-26-2012, 11:45 PM
RE: Unban Request Axel - by axel - 10-27-2012, 12:36 AM
RE: Unban Request Axel - by Avsmugen - 10-27-2012, 01:25 AM
RE: Unban Request Axel - by axel - 10-27-2012, 01:49 AM

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