Unban request for Jamklanson
Your name: Jamklanson

Your ban ID:16086

Banned by:[FL] Ruxandra

Reason: Collaborating with government as doctor?!

Involved: I don't really know, because i was just banned straight up.

Why we should unban you: You should un-ban me because i wasn't collaborating with the government, actually. It was a call of self-defense. Rebels rushed in while i was hanging out with SSA and president, and they started shooting us. They started shooting me, aswell so i started shooting back, and ended up killing one. Then as i was trying to get out of the store, they continued to shoot me and i was low to 13 HP. I then decided to try and kill them, but then one came out of the door and that is the one time i helped the SSA. And that is when i was banned. Also it is 23 hours, but is is like, 12:00 over here so that means it is lifted till 11:00 PM.

Messages In This Thread
Unban request for Jamklanson - by Jamklanson - 10-26-2012, 08:21 AM
RE: Unban request for Jamklanson - by Ruxandra - 10-26-2012, 08:47 AM

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