Ban Request on Rubensmarz
Name of player: Rubensmarz

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:49469514

Time in GMT: 18:50 GMT

Server: V2d

Summary: Okay so i just went BMD and was heading to the slums appartments to grow some weed while i was selling bmd stuff.
While i am putting pots up in on a shelf i hear a rebel radioing that he needs all the rebels here for a raid and that they should bring weapons. i then tell them in local ooc that its random and that i will post a ban request if they proceed. They keep standing outside saying Surrender now or we will come in. I make a quick plan and then unlock the door and proceed to shotgun 2 of them. Around 3 Minutes later i am getting shot at through the wall and finds that it is the rebels again, i then go out the door and find out they are five now, I proceed to shoot ALL of them Again without dying and then post a ban request.

[Image: 52IKg.jpg] [Image: Ep8jC.jpg]
As you can see in these pic's it is Seth opilez radio'ing that he needs the rebels at slums immedately, and on the scoreboard it says that Seth opilez is Rubensmarz and is the rebel leader.

[Image: sCekF.jpg]
He then says that he's gonna break in the door and that he needs cover.

[Image: ln7PX.jpg]
Then i go out the door and shoot one of them while the other rebel is sneaking himself inside and destroying my pots.

[Image: RC4QS.jpg]
He then pm's me and saying that i am not allowed to base as a BMD, which i am Clearly aware of. As this isn't a base, just an appartment with some weed plants that i need to get weed (i can still go back and forth to my appartment when i am out selling).

[Image: BJZb7.jpg]

I did not manage to get any screenshots of the second raid as i was constantly under pressure. i could not write to any admins to help me cause when i tried i was getting shot through the walls, (you can see players talking through the walls).

That was it, i hope its enough evidence to get this guy banned for a couple of days.

He is a major minge and never plays anything but agressiverp, constantly random raiding others.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request on Rubensmarz - by Sommer - 10-20-2012, 05:24 PM
RE: Ban Request on Rubensmarz - by tron121212 - 10-20-2012, 05:49 PM
RE: Ban Request on Rubensmarz - by Sommer - 10-20-2012, 06:14 PM
RE: Ban Request on Rubensmarz - by tron121212 - 10-20-2012, 06:43 PM
RE: Ban Request on Rubensmarz - by Grub - 10-20-2012, 08:53 PM

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