POOTIS (/BiggusDickus) unban request
Your name:POOTIS (was BiggusDickus)

Your ban ID: (14864

Banned by: Ruxandra

Reason: Impersonating Soulripper

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: I know i have been a p**ck in FL lately, annoying people, breaking rules et. But I would like another chance to just play on FL and enjoy myself, and follow the rules.

When I impersonated, I had no intention to scam people, nor did i know that people we're pretending to be soul and scamming people pretending he will unban them, and I promise I wasn't one of the scammers, all I did was say "Hello" to someone and they thought I was soul, so I told them i wasn't and that's it, nothing else. So please give me another chance to play on Fearless.
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Messages In This Thread
POOTIS (/BiggusDickus) unban request - by SeductivePotato - 10-20-2012, 01:26 PM

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