[Pas/Agr] #R [#R] [xXxUnOffIcIalxXx]
About us
We aRe the #R clan we love to Roleplay on this seRveR. But watch out when Roleplaying with us it will seem like its Real life! We do some cRazy Roleplays like hotel and some wRestling and aiRconditioning RepaiR suRgeons. We aRe mostly passive RoleplayeRs but when stReet thugs tRy to mess with us we fight back.. with woRds. we tRy to solve the pRoblem peacfully if things get out of hang ouR clan lets them have theiR way. We do not like to minge so do not join if you minge. Admins have ouR Respect they aRe always happy to see us online. Sometimes the admins see some of ouR membeRs Roleplay so haRd they think its Real life so they ban them for 5 months. On ouR spaRe time we paint pictuRes. blue is my favoRite coloR. anyways.. people on the seRveR love us so we aRe willing to invite new membeRs who want to join ouR Roleplays. We neveR play as Rebels becuase we love to obey and listen. We have been aRound the block seveRal times that i ran out of gas and what i have leaRned is that theiR aRe to many minges so join us for a Revolution to stand up against minges. we love to wRestle even in Real life foR example they call me penatRating petey because my fingeRs will tickle you so haRd. We have a lot of membeRs would you like to see? of couRse you would!
xxxxxpetey #R
Jester #R
yusufhunter #R
pLatz #R
Corymf #R
Khorneflakes #R
Chaoy #R

Jester #R
Corymf #R

Great Listeners

Hardcore Roleplayers
yusufhunter #R
Chaoy #R

Peace makers
xxxxxpetey #R
Khorneflakes #R

pLatz #R

please vote for us as representatives for this server! we need to be official!

Messages In This Thread
[Pas/Agr] #R [#R] [xXxUnOffIcIalxXx] - by xxxxxpetey - 10-20-2012, 03:20 AM

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