Weapon Blacklist. *Does not involve Hacking*
Name: Games_Mumford

Time/Date: 10/17/2012

Steam ID:

Admin who blacklisted you: [FL:RP] Vauld

Reason why you should be unblacklisted:

I don't see how my blacklist relates to the actions I did at the time. The RP was completely justified due to the actions of the president in broadcast, him even announcing himself as a dictator at one point and starting DictatorRP. I and other member of the Rebel team even took the steps of requesting that he change the laws as they seem to insult the citizens and degrade the rebel team as a whole.


(The statement I made after the weapon blacklist, poorly worded because I was simply trying to quickly state in few words that I did not see why to as I was being blacklisted, even at this point I knew that I had valid reasoning to fire upon the president's base.

The tax was changed to thirty after I made a request for the changing of the laws, the tax increase specifically targeted me out and basically was like saying "You can't do anything about it."

Even in my OOC post I specifically said the raising of the tax, not the tax itself. I've been on the server for 800 hours and am sure that raiding for just high tax is not allowed.


(The president even announced he was beginning DictatorRP as shown in this screenshot. The laws were degrading and put down all of evocity and even targeted the rebels at one point)


(This screenshot shows all the laws he had, which specifically put down any non-gov people and degraded everyone on the server. This set of laws was made to insult everyone and brag about how the government was so much greater than any other team.)


(In this screenshot it shows right after my request the tax is hyped up to thirty, and my request was only an empty threat just to basically say "don't be a dictator, we'll come after you"


(This shows me right after the weapon blacklist, immediately stopping whatever I was doing and stating in OOC that it was indeed a valid raid)

The president targeted out all the rebels and threw it in our face that we were useless scum, insulting each of us to our faces pretty much. His SS were up on the gate with their guns out, so I had to take them out to get to the president, I knew these men were heavily armed so I couldn't get close without being gunned down.

The president ignored my request and threw it in my face that he could do whatever he wanted and could get away with it with his large police force. (He even went so far as to moving out of the nexus and into hsi clan base before he announced his laws, even he knew they were raidable and created defenses before he started.

All the president's actions and insults cumulate into a reason to raid. I don't see how him even broadcasting that he is beginning DictatorRP is not reason enough.
Clan Needed Tounge

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Weapon Blacklist. *Does not involve Hacking* - by Gamesdude109 - 10-17-2012, 11:47 PM

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