The Plague
It was a Saturday Morning and everyone was having Breakfast and commiting Crimes when suddenly a plague had started in the industrial area of the city... There was no explaining how it started but... It had changed people and I was one of the 3 people who started to realise it.

The plague was spreading fast and the president didnt want anything to happen to his citizens so he decided to issue a lockdown,Everyone ran to safety of their homes and turned on the TV to see what was going on... The News was on and they decided to watch it the TV presenter said" A plague has spread through america and is now hit the city of Evo we need to..." The broadcast signals had been broken... After what had happened with the plague it spread into the city and then an Earthquake occured destroying the tunnel.

When this happened there was panic some people looked up to the president,some to god and some to weapons.

Every ration of food there was vital for they're survival and with that many people in the city... it would be like WW2 all over again but worse!

I didnt look up to god or the president I on the other hand looked up to guns I thought the use of guns would be usefull so I issued a meeting with the president and told him to get everyone in the city equipped with one gun... But only the brave fought off the plague and the kids and woman took refuge inside nexus also with them they took most of the food the bastards.

It was only a few that fought the plague some with Gas-Masks and some not but the only thing that really mattered was that they got rid of all the zombies whilst the plague spread through Evocity the men that fought were Me and some others them being well equipped and me only with a pistol and knife.

We took position at BP with some people who refused to go in the nexus we got ready and waited for one of the survivors to sound the whistle to attract them when this happened a whole lot of them came and right before my eyes I saw someone be ripped apart and that's when I started to regret risking my life for the others... The zombies hit us hard but we managed to pull through.

Now all we had to do was get the ppeople out of the nexus as we walked towards there we saw all the people who didnt make it...

The next day the city was a mess so we had to react fast the tunnel was completly sealed so our only hope was a miracle and that miracle happened another earthquake occured which made the rubble from thr tunnel collapse down and form a way out and then rebuilding happened and everything was back to normal.

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The Plague - by MattyG56 - 10-17-2012, 08:38 PM

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