I get banned 1 day from pushing my own car And Somethink CarBM idk what is that?
Your name: Dj Genu$//Desssuuu(fin)

[b]Your ban ID:15445

[b]Banned by: [FL] Ruxandra

Toungeroppushing Vehicle, CDM

Involved::there was no admin only two guy

[b]Why we should unban you:Im donator and i ask mom to buy it its take like 4 hours to get donate and i do nothing admin dosent ask me anythink just banned me im very Addict to this server.

I just Drive car and some one ran over my car i was driving firstperson and he runned like 1 metre over my car i can no to do Sad i was said sorry and he just go like 15m ago my car was stuck in Fire petrol i just prop pushed it little bit and. its agaist rule proppush if car is stuck admin even see it ???

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I get banned 1 day from pushing my own car And Somethink CarBM idk what is that? - by Dj Genu$//Desssuuu(fin) - 10-08-2012, 10:15 AM

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