Legenditals ban (Edited) (Help please?)
I'm gonna post the same reply in both mYaffliktioN's and Legenditals' unban request - seeing as they were banned for exactly the same thing.

As admitted, mYaffliktioN had prop blocked the bank, as he admitted both now, and at the time, due to deleting half a base. So he recieved a warning kick, and that was the end of that. Or so I thought ..

Legenditals then began a stream of non-stop abuse and complaints, over a simple kick - shouting 'abuse' etc. He also claimed that I was lying, and that it was not a prop block - even though mYaffliktioN had already admitted it was.

When mYaffliktioN rejoined - he too joined in the stream of protests and abuse.

Meanwhile, I'd recieved multiple complaints about the both of them harassing other players.

So anyway, I told them both to stop the arguing, it was only a kick, and to stop spamming in OOC etc. They did not stop. Legenditals was worse, saying that I was being ignorant, lying, etc. Anyway, I gave Legenditals a ban for constantly flaming and spamming in OOC.

mYaffliktioN then tried to sneak in another comment - by leaving quickly afterwards, thinking that he'd avoid a ban by quitting ... So I banned him too.

They were both rude, arrogant, and ignorant players - who did not respect admin decisions or the fact that they broke the rules :/ even when one admitted he did - the other complained for ages.

So, this is why I banned them.

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RE: Legenditals ban (Edited) (Help please?) - by Sniperwolf - 01-18-2011, 08:24 AM

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