GRayhawk Ban
Your name: Grayhawk

[b]Your ban ID: 15228

[b]Banned by: [FL] DerStorm

: (From which of our servers have you been banned? :I think 33x. BUt I cant accses any of them.

[b]Involved: Allot of people, allmost anyone who was online at that time. I dont know they're names anymore, sorry

[b]Why we should unban you: Well I was a bit of a missunderstanding. I was first a paramedic and this player B...something came up to my Car and ordered me to heal him and was swearing at me, so I said no and he tried to ruin my gameplay by ramming me all the time. So I called help and he disconnected. After I died I tried the cop job. that was when he logged in again, and sat in my car as was taxiing the president, so I handcuffed him. the president I should let him go so I did, then I got ran over by a group of layers driving a taxi arround killing ppl. as my NLR timer went out I noticed the guy I handcuffed stole my car. then there was a big mess I dint nt know hwat was going on. And I tried to unwedge my Police car from the tree, the thief putit in with a prop, and it bugged out going flying acrros the city and I got banned.

I hope you understand and sorry for my spelling I am half english but Live in germany

Messages In This Thread
GRayhawk Ban - by Grayhawk - 10-03-2012, 02:42 PM
RE: GRayhawk Ban - by DerStorm - 10-03-2012, 04:22 PM

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