An Unfair Ban
i didnt random attack the police ...they was chasing us i got out and shot ..u froze me and while i was frozen the police killed and maybe took my weapon..or u took it ..idk ....i said u there was new president but u didnt response and i thought u didnt care if there was a new president and i have changes my attitude ...i didnt know got out of the car and shoot police when they hunt is is not allowed...there is not law about that ..and because i didnt make it on perpuse i dont think i deserver a ban of 4 months ...the thing i did it could be done from many people....

and i dont deserver to get banned for 4 months from a mistaken and unkown think i made ..unknown i mean i didnt think it was illegal ...

and finnaly i had read all rules and i havent seen a rule which says dont get out of the car and shoot police who are chasing u ..and i didnt broke rp situation becuase ss have told the police and ss we were trying to raid him

Messages In This Thread
An Unfair Ban - by Asylum - 09-30-2012, 09:25 PM
RE: not a reason for ban..not right reason - by Asylum - 10-02-2012, 02:46 PM
RE: An Unfair Ban - by Killjoy - 10-05-2012, 02:32 PM

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