lol bb guysz it wus fun. [PietOlsen/GunFISH]
I was supposed to have made this thread a long time ago now.. Well about a week or two ago so I don't suppose "a long time" is the right words, any who here goes.

I'm gone, I've left, I've had good times, I've had bad times and I cannot be bothered to make some mental thread with different bold texts and sizes, I will how ever list a reason or two.

One of the reasons is that FL obviously is not the same FL as it was back when I joined, People immersed them selves much more into the game and it was much easier to immerse yourself into it. So yeah FL changed some for the better but mostly for the worse in my humble opinion, this is caused mostly by the community it self but also some bad staff decisions I am going to assume, cause hey.. A community doesn't go wrong without that.

A second reason, and perhaps the most crucial one is that, I just do not find FL enjoyable to go on and play anymore, in the regard that people just bitch whine and moan 90% of the time instead of playing the game.

Also there's the lag, the horrible, horrible lag. This is so game breaking (Or at least so it is for me) that I simply don't want to start an RP as it takes so long for me to set up, I'll admit though that as for crashes it has gotten a lot better so that's nice.

A small note on the lag is that I really must urge you to put some limit on admin props, I get that they're admins and should have extra props, but just limit them, there's no point in limiting players props to thirty if an admin just comes on and spawn four-hundred prop contraptions and then crash the server or causing it severe lag (Yes this does happen I'm looking at you Faustie!).

Anyway it's been fun.. I wouldn't say most of the time but a lot of it, I may not disappear completely as I still enjoy talking to some of the people on the TeamSpeak so maybe I will see you there.

So until then, I bid you farewell!

Warmest regards,

*Edit* P.S. I will probably pop in when Garry's Mod thirteen is out to see how things have changed, and if drastically for the better, rejoin.

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lol bb guysz it wus fun. [PietOlsen/GunFISH] - by GunFISH - 09-28-2012, 10:19 AM

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