My amazing story about playing on this craptastic server
I must agree with Fultzy and Tomorrow, some dictatorships can be horrid. Badly RP-ed and a sad, sad excuse for tax whoring. But not all of them are horrible and putting limitations might stifle someone's creativity, and result in less colourful RPs.
On Tomorrow's comment:
1. Taxes can be raised as much as he wants if he has a proper RP reason (Now, this is the trickiest rule about Presidents, and many, many abuse it. A lot of players see this rule as a fail-safe mechanism. They are allowed to make the taxes as high as they like, yet they cannot be raided for them, as that would result in raids out of spite)
2. He can ban anything if he wants to, again if it's not in collision with permanent laws (I personally banned hugs and suffered a raid for it, after which I was threatened at gunpoint to make hugs legal... They were made legal)
3. It is considered trespassing if you are not with the government and caught behind the lobby reception table, thus they are free to arrest you ( As Dark Shadowfall said: "Ignorance isn't an excuse", it's stated in the rules)
4. If they are banned without reason, it's bad RP. (If the Rebels/Corleones burn down a store and kill 2 officers on the streets they should be banned without any further deliberation.)
5. No President can break the permanent laws. (If you see one doing that, report him to an admin. He also cannot order his officers and SS agents to break the server rules. That is also subject to you calling an admin.)

(On the list above, this is no way anything pointed at you Tomorrow, it's just that you made a simple list, easy to follow and I wanted to clarify my views on that, really nothing personal)

Also, if you dislike the way someone rules (as stated many times previously in this thread) do something about it. But, first asses the situation.
Does the President show RP experience? (You can see that from his laws and the way he broadcasts them)
Does he show signs of will to cooperate? (One of the rarest things seen about any ruler, but they might be willing to see to reason)
And last... the excuse I hate the most... *takes a deep breath*
How many hours does he have? (I really, really hate this one because I was a decent RP player at 0 hours, this was not my first RP game. I've noticed that that is not the general case, and that simply judging the players hours is a safe bet [What have I become?] )

Here is an example of how players fail to rise up against the government: I was a "Bipolar Ruler" once and it was fun for me, not so much for the people. Events started spiralling out of control until the result was 3 bodies hanging in the main street (of v2d), being set on fire for everyone to see. (Thanks Holdem and Vauld, you made is special) Did anyone rise up against me? No. I had one raid at the start of my reign, when there was no police or SS (The hug issue). I ended up peacefully resigning. There was no formed resistance, the Rebels did not do anything major.

I am in no way trying to justify bad Presidents, hell even I occasionally get pissed at them, but I try to form a resistance or something, not complain in OOC (If they are sticking to the rules, that is).

Finally, I do agree that something should be done about Presidents and their rule, I just feel that a closer look at the current reigns from the admins currently online will solve more issues and calm the people down. Just cementing rules about Presidential conduct will result in more and more copy-paste Presidents.

Sorry about the long post, had to get it out of my system.

P.S. If I am mistaken about anything, I am truly sorry, feel free to correct me.

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RE: My amazing story about playing on this craptastic server - by DoomDude1 - 09-24-2012, 11:10 AM

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