My amazing story about playing on this craptastic server
I also agree with Wweee. Dictatorships aren't meant to be fair. They are meant to be tyrannical and downright evil. I've seen people moan and complain in OOC (aaaaa harsh laws, I got arrested for nothing, they're arresting everyone etc.) when they broke the laws. The dictator at that time had no plans or intention for the outskirts, just for the city. And yet, 70% of the server was in the city, repeatedly breaking the laws and getting arrested. The only "resistance" that formed were the Rebels, which I later found out were just farming contraband, happily outside of the city.
If you don't like a dictator, stop moaning, arm up and resist! Why not throw up an excellent French-resistance type RP (like I started when Rowan was Dictator...he got assassinated before I could get my base up), or at least escape the government. If the police break the rules, report them. If they don't, fight or flight. Don't stand around, break the laws, spam the poor,poor jailguard with microphone screaming, just to get back on the streets and do it all again.

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RE: My amazing story about playing on this craptastic server - by DoomDude1 - 09-23-2012, 06:22 PM

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