Unban Request
Your name: (Steam friends name) Salinsky

Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example) 12663

Banned by: (Admin that banned you) [FL] Mikey The Fox / [FL] Pinkie Pie

Server: (From which of our servers have you been banned? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?) Both.

Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the admin.) A load of minges, NLR breaking SS officers. Mikey The Fox who appeared to be AFK.

Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened)

I asked for this permanent ban, because I couldn't stay away from Fearless, because it's simply that awesome. I was very mad at Mikey the fox at that time, because he didn't respond to the multiple @ calls I made, because of NLR breaking SS officers, I was raiding the dictator president at that time. From my kill-death ratio you could obviously tell that I had either Mass-RDMed or, the more obvious thing would be that my raid plans got interrupted by NLR breakers. After I died, I talked to Mikey and he said he didn't see any @ logs, I then asked him to check the logs to see who broke NLR and to actually help me in that situation.

He refused and I got mad, I got kicked, joined back, said in OOC what I thought about the happening, then we took it to PM and I asked for a permanent ban, being the situation on Fearless wasn't improving and I still had the urge to come on there.

For all the forum-people who're mad at me, I'm sorry for how I have behaved, I have been a total asshat and I had some personal issues, I won't tell too much about the events causing my behavior (Even though I said what I said, and that's still my responsibility)

For the admins I might have pissed off, I hope you can forgive me and give me a last chance.

Anyone who wants to know what my issues were, PM me, I will respond, only if I remember your name.

Minor edit:
The reason I am asking for the unban is because I learned how to dose my gametime and combine with study, being that I had major issues doing this.

- Salinsky.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - by Salinsky - 09-22-2012, 07:41 PM
RE: Unban Request - by Killjoy - 09-22-2012, 11:27 PM

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