Ban request
First of all, i took 32 pictures because this dude has been doing this for a while, only to get into my bathroom and take my money printers.
He tranquilized me at least 4-5 times for no reason at all. And his friend threatened to burned down my house if i didn't open the door. And he killed me because i abused Keypads.I used 1 for door and i had a button on the other side. And i looked in the rules
[Door Rules]
1. Do not build more than 2 custom doors which are not placed in public, in a row.
2. When you make extra doors use the SDoor mod and place on both sides keypads or buttons.
3. Keypads, buttons or anything else has to be visible by other players.
4. Doors have to be open 3 seconds or more, you must also use the keypad instead of numpad, if you don't you will be banned.
5. Your not allowed mutliple keypads to delay the opening of your does.
6. When placing a created door there must be enough room for 2 people to fit in side by side.
7. Do not abuse the fading door tool by pressing the numpad key to get in quickly use the keypad.

It doesn't say anywhere that you can't use more then 2 keypads. I Used 6 keypads, 2 for door and the rest were there because i wanted to confuse them.I didn't have time to get all the pictures while he was tranquilizing me but i manage to get a picture when he planted some fuel on my door and blew it up. And when he tranquilized me for the 5th time.
[Image: rpevocityv2d0031.jpg]
[Image: rpevocityv2d0024g.jpg]
Notice the fuel on the bottom right corner
[Image: rpevocityv2d0016.jpg]
[Image: rpevocityv2d0014.jpg]
I have more pictures if u guys need it.

Messages In This Thread
Ban request - by Erik - 01-13-2011, 09:41 AM
RE: Ban request - by Killjoy - 01-13-2011, 10:33 AM
RE: Ban request - by Strom - 01-13-2011, 04:46 PM
RE: Ban request - by Erik - 01-13-2011, 05:12 PM
RE: Ban request - by Nudelholz - 01-13-2011, 05:25 PM
RE: Ban request - by Erik - 01-14-2011, 01:45 PM
RE: Ban request - by Fallen - 01-22-2011, 02:36 PM

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