[Unofficial][Pas] EvoCity Independent Contractors
Sir, all you do is give us your information in the application and resume, and when someone contacts us looking in need for a Lawyer, we will distribute your information to them and they can proceed on to paying you for your services. This organization is merely a gateway that links people with certain abilities to clients who wish to hire people for specific jobs.


You are interested in submitting your information regarding your specialty in the category of Law.

#1. Lets say we are all on the server, and the Government contacts this company to look into hiring a new Attorney, or even a Lawyer. We would then give them listings of all possible candidates in the category of Law being their main specialty. You would apply under this category, and so we would alert you that someone is requesting someone with your specialty, and you could then proceed to be hired by the Government.

#2. We would also like to offer our services to RP Events that take place, so that if someone is creating an event and is looking for people to fill certain positions in it, we would have an organized list of capable people which they could request and then proceed to hire whichever one is available at the time of the Event. So in the category of Law that you spoke of enrolling in, If an RP Event was created that included Law Based Jobs, such as CourtRP and such, we would alert whoever had Law as their main specialty, and was available at that time of the Event.

As noted in the Clan Page, the Independent Contractors (This would be you in the case that you post an enrollment application ) that earn profits from paying jobs go straight into their pocket, and never does any of that income go into the pockets of this company.

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RE: [Unofficial][Pas] EvoCity Independent Contractors - by Nevy - 09-04-2012, 08:40 AM

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