Ban Request on ☭Ciel☭
Me and [FL:RP] Barcelona, a mate of mine were talking when the gun dealer (Paralyzer) came up and started to punch Barcelona. I pulled my knife to scare him off and he kept doing it. Eventually I got fed up and pulled out a deagle and shot the guy in the chest to warn him off. His friend (Ciel) was a taxi driver and started trying to run me over in his car. So when I killed the gun dealer punching me and my friend, the taxi driver jumped out and ran at me with a crowbar. In self defence I killed him and we dumped his car in the lake. Later returning to the city I see the gun dealer (Paralyzer) running towards me with a TMP. I run for cover but he shoots me to 80hp. I then pull out an AK-47 and kill him. His friend who was previously the taxi driver but was now a security guard came and shot me whilst I was typing. I asked in OOC: NLR Ciel and Paralyzer? Ciel replied
''lol time was up''
That's when I said ''You forget your life after you die. No matter about the 5 minute wait.''
He then began to insult me and eventually said that word.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request on ☭Ciel☭ - by Absinthe - 09-03-2012, 07:29 PM
RE: Ban Request on ☭Ciel☭ - by Sub-Zero - 09-03-2012, 07:52 PM
RE: Ban Request on ☭Ciel☭ - by Absinthe - 09-03-2012, 07:52 PM
RE: Ban Request on ☭Ciel☭ - by Holdem - 09-03-2012, 08:19 PM

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