Batman the Dark Knight Rises
1) I loved the movies , last one had predictable moments though .
2) Of course they'll make more batman movies but not in the Dark Knight Franchise
3) Well i'll go for a char that appears in every movie : Lucius Fox. I'm think Morgan Freeman is a great actor but i loved his role in the movies , especially in the second movie when somebody of the wayne company tries to blackmail bruce wayne
4) Well basicly i got two:

1) "Don't talk like you're one of them! You're not... even if you'd like to be. To them you're just a freak, like me. They need you right now, but when they don't, they'll cast you out. Like a leper. See, their morals, their "code"... it's a bad joke, dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these uh, these "civilized people", they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve."

2) I just did what I do best. I took your little plan and I turned it on itself. Look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets. Hmmm? You know... You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it's all "part of the plan". But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds!

Why those two ? because they are similar to each other and has a sort of truth in it: Humans are basically wearing winkers we only see straight ahead of us , when all goes well nothing happens. But if one tiny little thing that is away from the normal routine everything falls into chaos

Messages In This Thread
Batman the Dark Knight Rises - by Konkey Dong - 08-25-2012, 07:22 PM
RE: Batman the Dark Knight Rises - by BombFire - 08-25-2012, 07:32 PM
RE: Batman the Dark Knight Rises - by TJ3003 - 08-25-2012, 08:03 PM
RE: Batman the Dark Knight Rises - by William Lionheart - 08-30-2012, 06:06 PM

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