Ban request on newlands16
Name of player: (Who you want to be banned?)
SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?)
Time in GMT: (When did it happen?)
about 20:15 Paris time
Server: (On which of our servers did it happen? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?)
Summary: (What happened?)
Well, i asked if i could see his house and he propblocked me so i couldnt move and then he propkilled me. sadly i could only get a screenshot of the propblock.
Evidence: (Try to get as much evidence you can get)
i hope you can get him banned, i hate too this server getting ruined by idiotic people!Angry

Messages In This Thread
Ban request on newlands16 - by Alejandro - 08-22-2012, 06:28 PM
RE: Ban request on newlands16 - by Temar - 08-25-2012, 12:18 PM

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