Advert by the Mafia
Hey guys, my first Post here =P

ok, im on another server and this happens

-Gangster advert come raid me blablabla
- i come with a sniper, kill them all while hiding behind a tree
- come in with AK and kill survivors
take conrta money
-destroy contra

BUT what happened later when i was about to leave

-i come out
-some one trying to snipe me (the last gangster)
-he shoots his awp and miss's
-i take out my awp and do a fashionable 180 scope, spin, shoot
-BOOM HEADSHOT! he is dead and his boby is sent flying back of the roof and blood is splatted all over a near by wall, his body then fals to the floor of a 3 story building. So yeah, he is definatly dead.

What happened on this server is different

-Mafia advert to raid them
-i come with my sniper
-tranq and AWP some Mafia
-then 1 Mafia is on the roof and i only see his head
-i think, is that a sniper? S**T!
-luckily holster me weapon before my head fly's of to the other side of the map

People on Fearless are just better then people on other servers....

Messages In This Thread
Advert by the Mafia - by Death Sniper - 01-04-2011, 09:02 PM
RE: Advert by the Mafia - by Flame - 01-05-2011, 10:23 AM
RE: Advert by the Mafia - by Death Sniper - 01-06-2011, 07:39 PM

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