Banreqest for MDanalrapist and Avocado
Hi there.

Im Chris (Aka Chris Breezy and in-game name Chris D'mello)

I just started playing on your server after a big break from Garrys mod.

My part of the story is the following:

I was standing in the back of our store minding my buisness writing with a rebel because he wanted to buy something. (I was a gun dealer)

I end up hearing my friend (Lasse Ngaard) writing in the chat and talking on mic about some guy prop pushing out side of our desk. I then walk out and see this guy Avocado getting pushed into our front desk. From my point of view it looked like he was trying to get in while his friend was pushing him.

Why I thought that was because he came in earlier trying to buy something from us, and ends up shouting at us and yelling inside and outside of our shop that our shop is bad and just terrible overall. After that little event we knew that Avocado were not going to be our best friend.

I can be a witness for the proppushing and I didn see Avocado saying stop or anything while getting pushed.

After it all ended I then procceded back to the RP with this rebel. He wanted some delivery. And by that I mean he was not at the store. So sadly enough I cant get him to be a witness aswell.

About the notes I can't say I saw anything. The only thing I know is my friend telling me about it.

- Chris

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RE: Banreqest for MDanalrapist and Avocado - by Breezy - 08-20-2012, 12:31 PM

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