Reasons to raid and reasons to raid mayor.
Just remember this is RP. How would you react to the president's laws in real life? You don't just pick up a weapon and raid on your own because you don't like his laws. Raiding is expensive to carry out, because to do it successfully you need kevlar, ammo, and a good weapon. So you should always have meetings, protests.. and things that could solve the issue. Send the President a PM and see what he does.

Then maybe have a meeting if he doesn't respond. If he still does nothing, organise a protest and advertise it (/advert). Remember you cannot raid just because the President doesn't respond to that first PM, the President sees all the Police radio and gets PMed a lot. So he/she may not see it

Now in the extreme case that the President needs to be taken care of then you may raid. But always ask in OOC if your reasons are legit before if you are not sure. You will need to assemble a team.

Now most of the answer is in the thread Adman sent you, so read that and don't get banned again! Smile

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RE: Reasons to raid and reasons to raid mayor. - by Termin - 08-16-2012, 08:48 AM

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