Jarz's Unban Req
Your name: [FL:RP] Jarz

Your ban ID: 13695

Banned by: Rux

Server: Evo v2d

Involved: MikeCorps, And the admins, Rux and Soul

Why we should unban you: Because i was the Guinea Pig for a new RP Mike and I wanted to make. I by no means wanted to break any rule, All i wanted was to make sure the new RP we were making, "Parkour RP" Was safe and secure. I was "PropClimbing", and Technically I was. But the term used in this case is so minimal, it affects nobody. We werent being raided / raiding, ect. Please unban me, ive waited all day for an RP idea, and right when i get on, I get banned. I am sorry and will never do the RP style again.

I thought it was allowed because people were doing it yesterday and the admin on didnt care about it. Maybe the staff should let the players know that Parkour RP isnt allowed, so others arent in the position I am in, Since Parkour is a form of RP, and is rather popular lately.

Thanks for reading whoever is concerned. - Jarz

Messages In This Thread
Jarz's Unban Req - by yarrrs - 08-13-2012, 11:41 PM
RE: Jarz's Unban Req - by Killjoy - 08-13-2012, 11:52 PM
RE: Jarz's Unban Req - by yarrrs - 08-13-2012, 11:59 PM
RE: Jarz's Unban Req - by Killjoy - 08-14-2012, 05:46 PM

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