Unban request.
Your name: Humla

Your ban ID: 13632

Banned by: [FL] Mahti

Server: v2d

Involved: Me and BrinckeN

Why we should unban you: We were just cruising around and went to UM. We saw a big base and was going to check it out. No one answered and we decided to go in. We know the rules about propclimbing so BrinckeN ducked and I jumped on him then over and then I opened the door for BrinckeN. We walked around and saw contras in one building and started to destroy it. We did not know that climbing on people is propclimbing, we said we didnt know and that we're sorry.
I cannot find anything in the rules that states that climbing on another person is propclimbing so I think the ban should only be a couple of hours for random raid. We learned our lesson though. Standing on a person is propclimb, type that in the rules. Smile

Messages In This Thread
Unban request. - by Humla - 08-12-2012, 05:26 PM
RE: Unban request. - by Mahti - 08-12-2012, 05:59 PM

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