Collection of 3 Ban Requests - Killer Hun & yeahTOAST!!!!(hun)
Name of players & SteamID's:

yeahTOAST!!!!(hun) - STEAM_0:0:47764138

killer hun - STEAM_0:0:51429767

Time in GMT: 12:00 PM

Server: rp_evocity_v2d


I collected evidence from 3 different users ban request and my own video.




Spoiler :
Picture Confirmin that yeahTOAST is president.(yeahTOAST)

Picture showing invisble props.(yeahTOAST)

Picture showing TV Propspam and floating TV Props.(yeahTOAST)

Picture showing Double Dooring.(yeahTOAST)


My Evidence:

Spoiler :

Youtube Video(yeahTOAST & killer hun)

Spoiler :

There is also several other people breaking the rules in this movie, if you want me to make a ban request on them all please say so.

[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]

Messages In This Thread
Collection of 3 Ban Requests - Killer Hun & yeahTOAST!!!!(hun) - by equal - 07-26-2012, 01:06 PM

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