Admins could you please answer a quick question?
(07-22-2012, 08:34 PM)Ghost_walker Wrote: It is sad to see how pathetic some people here are if you think i am a white supremesist.... Sure once upon a time i would have considered myself a believer in Nationalsocialism and infact i still am...but seriously if you think that i have a confederate flag because i support slavery then you should take a step back and take a look at how pathetic you are in that case. Sure i may not like immigrants but you know what i have a reason to do so. My brother was severely Injured by a immigrant because they guy ran into my brother in a hallway. And as Dylan said he thinks im a white supremesist because i am a believer of Nordic mythology and because i own a Iron Cross. Then let me explain to this to all of you very in depth. 1) I am a believer in nordic mythology because i dont believe in this allmighty entity you all worship called God or Allah or what you want to call it. I believe in Odin,Thor,Loki,Frey, and especially in Hel because i am proud to have roots dating back to the early years of the swedish empire and i feel that Sweden was dumb to give up on our Faith to believe in this so called God. 2) I own a Iron Cross because it is a symbol of Courage in battle and i respect all the people that have a Iron Cross. And i urge you to look at the article i posted. Because it tells you that the Iron Cross was NEVER a symbol of the Nazis it is only believed to be one because Hitler was awarded a Iron Cross and during WW2 they added the Swastika to it. But actually it dosent anger me how naive you people are it just makes me sad and proves my point that i really don't need to stick around here anymore because you people are either narrow minded nut-jobs or to busy having your face up your ass to take time and look at the world in a different perspektive. I am sorry that you people thing this way and i feel insulted by your attempt to slander me and my name. And to end on a better note. My friends are closing down The Black Talon because they want to play other games so so am i. I will post one last thread which will be my last Good-bye. And on a final note i feel sorry for all of you.


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RE: Admins could you please answer a quick question? - by User 5190 - 07-22-2012, 11:49 PM

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