Well here i am again. I know that i never made a proper i have comeback thread and im glad i never did one because i am leaving now. I am not leaving because of Ban or friends quitting because i have never been banned and altough my friends don't play anymore i still continued to play but under a different name. No this time i am posting this to say goodbye because i feel sad for you people and i mean it. People in this community are accusing me of being a Nazi and a white supremesist. Altough i am proud of my country and used to be a nationalist i feel really sad about this. And its not really because of people calling me a white supremesist or a nazi i get called that all the time. No the reason i feel downright insulted is because of the reasons people are accusing me of being one. The reasons being. That i am a believer of norse mythology and i own a Iron Cross and a Confederate Flag. And all i have to say is how naive and narrow minded do you people have to be. I may know what the Iron cross and Confederate flag stands for in other countries but in sweden they are used as Rockabilly symbols. And these are the reasons to why i now say Farewell to all of you and i hope that you people might grow out of your narrow mindedness.

The only people i want to thank from fearless have already stopped playing but i will list them anyway.

J-Boi:Thank you for showing me the FL server and being with me during most of the time on the server.

Arre:Thank you for being a great Clan Leader and a great friend.

Afflack:Thank you for letting me be a member of the Black Talon.

Yurera: Thank you for all the fun times we had togheter.

Vegas: Thank you for all the fun times with you and the rest of the Black Talon too.

The whole Black Talon crew: Thank you all for making my time on the server some of the best spent time ever.

And i also want to thank the Administrative team and the owners of FL for keeping the server up and trying their best to keep the server as good as possible.

Now i might have missed some people but i can't remember everyone.

EDIT: Just logged in to Edit this post really quickly since i forgot to mention Alpha_Dog and i just want to say thank you to you too Alpha for in one way or another providing me with a laugh even if it was only over OOC

Your's sincerely
Former member of The Black Talon
Signing off for the last time
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Messages In This Thread
Goodbye/farwell - by Foxy The Pirate - 07-22-2012, 08:47 PM
RE: Goodbye/farwell - by The_Alpha_Dog - 07-22-2012, 09:17 PM
RE: Goodbye/farwell - by NaVi - 07-22-2012, 09:21 PM

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