GotTheLife Unban Request
Your name: GotTheLife

Your ban ID: 12732

Banned by: [FL] Ruxandra

Server: Both

Involved: Can't remember, all the people seemed new to the server, didn't recognise any names, you can see them in the video

Why we should unban you: I feel I should be unbanned (or have my sentence shortened) as the reason for my ban "Throwing props at people, attempt to propkill" isn't what happened and clearly doesn't happen in the video, as all the mafia and rebels were contrawhoring and everything was boring I was roleplaying as a drunkard to try and give the police something to do, part of my character was to drop and throw a few empty bottles, these do 0 damage when they collide with other players, so yeah "attempting to propkill" never really occurred.

"Throwing around bottles randomly, Spamming Bottles/breakable smaller objects, Spawning objects on Tazed bodies, throwing babies at other players." - Equalizer

Throwing bottles randomly - Yes, this was a part of my character, and I wasn't a part of the minge party, like you I was just following them around due to their unusual behaviour.

Spamming bottles - Not really spamming, I spawned one like every ten seconds

Spawning objects on tazed bodies - I never did this, it was either someone else with the same skin as me or you are mistaken.

Throwing babies at other players - This also wasn't me, the BMD was the one screaming with a baby.

In my defence I believe my ban is too long for apparently "attempting" to do something, I didn't actually do it so therefore I shouldn't be banned for this length of time, if an admin was online at the time to deal with this problem then he/she could of banned people first hand.


Messages In This Thread
GotTheLife Unban Request - by GotTheLife - 07-22-2012, 11:02 AM
RE: GotTheLife Unban Request - by Ruxandra - 07-22-2012, 11:08 AM
RE: GotTheLife Unban Request - by GotTheLife - 07-22-2012, 11:10 AM
RE: GotTheLife Unban Request - by Ruxandra - 07-22-2012, 11:48 PM

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