Break of Nlr and RDM (Trying to cdm aswell)
[21:10:27] Bratset (STEAM_0:1:41249553) Killed: Constantine (STEAM_0:1:13533433) using weapon_mad_mp5

[21:11:10] Constantine (STEAM_0:1:13533433) Killed: Bratset (STEAM_0:1:41249553) using weapon_crowbar

You came back and killed him after 70 seconds. Nice try lying.

[21:06:56] Constantine (STEAM_0:1:13533433) Ran over: Rambox (STEAM_0:1:49794230) using models/inaki/gtaiv/vehicles/comet.mdl

[21:06:56] Constantine (STEAM_0:1:13533433) Ran over: Flars (STEAM_0:0:52775140) using models/inaki/gtaiv/vehicles/comet.mdl

[21:07:53] Constantine (STEAM_0:1:13533433) Ran over: Nymph (STEAM_0:1:12218618) using models/inaki/gtaiv/vehicles/comet.mdl

[21:09:14] Constantine (STEAM_0:1:13533433) Ran over: (FO) Hitman (STEAM_0:0:40646114) using models/inaki/gtaiv/vehicles/comet.mdl

[21:10:24] Constantine (STEAM_0:1:13533433) Ran over: Mikkel [DK] (STEAM_0:1:22651573) using models/inaki/gtaiv/vehicles/comet.mdl

Over the course of 4 minutes, you ranover 5 people. Not to mention you tried CarDMing Bratset (MSTRKRFT) and rules clearly state that you cannot use a car as a weapon.

Mind explaining?
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Break of Nlr and RDM (Trying to cdm aswell) - by Ruxandra - 07-21-2012, 09:01 PM

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