Break of Nlr and RDM (Trying to cdm aswell)
I did not say any foul words you were trading with him in the flea market and when i entered you told me to leave,when i was about to leave you followed me i went to my car then you crowbarred me,after that i tried to kill you with my car as self defence and i did not NLR considering i came back like 8 minutes later,you cropped the part of the video where time have passed,you insulted me with your mic then i went to park my garage and i asked a guy to give me a lift to the flea market and then killed you,it might be true that insulting me is not an excuse to kill you,but i did NOT BREAK cropped out many minutes of the video in the middle so give us the full video.

not to mention that you RDMed me,as can be seen from the start of the video,i went away then you followed me with your crowbar and tried to kill me for NO REASON.

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RE: Break of Nlr and RDM (Trying to cdm aswell) - by Constantine - 07-21-2012, 08:35 PM

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