LethalBlades Unban Request.
Your name: lethalblade.

Your ban ID: 9375.

Banned by: [FL] Beflok.

Server: Both.

Involved: No one else was involved.

Why we should unban you: Hey , Im Lethalblade i was banned for too many banns
And i agree , Im here to say that im sorry to all the staff that had to put up with me during this period of time and im here to prove that i have matured.
I believe that there is always room for improvement
i just want to be accepted into this community once again to show that i have got better , i will oaf not to break any rules , i just want to play with my friends again and meet more along the way.

Beflok I agree that 16 banns is enough and you had 100% rights to ban and i am sorry for the trouble and my arrogant's.

Once i joined this server i was amazed at the scenery and the way the system worked the criminals the police the secret agents running around the street the people driving there cars the atmospheric when i played server just lit me up like a candle , this server still means this to me , it means everything just for 1 more chance , just so i can be apart of this server once again , i
know your probably reading this and thinking " this lethal guy will never change" but i promise you , i will change , i will make the staff on this server think that giving me another chance will be worth it.

I just want to log onto this server again and have a smile on my face walking around its many streets watching cop cars travelling to a raid onto the criminals , or to help the city and to watch people setting up there shops and stalls so they can earn there money , i want to walk up to people greeting them asking them if there having a nice day , or whether i can help them in any buisness to chance myself and adapt to roleplaying in diffrent ways , because thats what fearless roleplay is , the ability to join the community and not to be afraid of people being racist or abusive towards people , to roleplay.

This has been my reasons to be unbanned for 1 more chance i will make you proud and make the seconds of reading this request worth it and i
will prove that i have got better.

This has been lethalblade
Thank you Fearless Roleplay.
Sorry once more.
If we do not end war , war will end us.
-H.G Wells

Messages In This Thread
LethalBlades Unban Request. - by blastedhyperion - 07-21-2012, 08:13 PM
RE: LethalBlades Unban Request. - by Von Tempski - 07-21-2012, 08:17 PM
RE: LethalBlades Unban Request. - by PiqueRoz - 07-21-2012, 10:47 PM
RE: LethalBlades Unban Request. - by Ghli - 07-22-2012, 04:28 PM
RE: LethalBlades Unban Request. - by Rozzok - 07-22-2012, 10:53 PM
RE: LethalBlades Unban Request. - by Von Tempski - 07-28-2012, 10:36 PM
RE: LethalBlades Unban Request. - by SoulRipper - 08-04-2012, 09:09 AM

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