Hidde. Permanently banned from Fearless
Your name: [FL:RP] Hidde [NL]

Your ban ID: Number 12556

Banned by: [FL] Ruxandra

Server: V2D

Involved: 6 Other people

Why we should unban you: There i go. I just got permanently banned from fearless about 10 min's before i posted this. First of all. The reason for my last ban ever is not exacly valid. I did not Random DeathMatch. I had a nonvalid murder reason. Those 2 reason's are completeley different.
And yes. I killed as a doctor. Im completley sorry for that. Now i Never will be able to play fearless. And about my Ban history. Yes i know. 12 ban's are ALOT. and 13 must have the last chance i ever had, but when i played on fearless the first time. I admid that i was sorta a Minge. But after i got warned that i would get perm'd if i had another ban on my record. It opend my eye's. I started to RP propperly. Made new friends, earned my first RP point. I started to get good at RP. but now it has to end like this. because of my ban history. Im asking at the bottom of my heart. Can i please come back? I miss the community. I miss the RP.


EDIT: [Image: 1720B30985D78D830C05A6C51243B9771EF4E332]

A Picture of the Guys failRPing (at this moment they where still funny)

Messages In This Thread
Hidde. Permanently banned from Fearless - by TheDeadPixel - 07-18-2012, 11:34 AM

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